Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Welcome to Real Meals for Real Families

First, thanks for stopping by my new blog.  It will be a learning process for us all and I ask for everyone to bear with me.  I am new to the idea of blogging but after reading many, I have decided to jump in feet first.  ;)

Second, what led me to this particular idea for a blog?  While reading other blogs about saving money, fixing meals for under a certain amount, and investigating how that amount was real, I discovered that many of those bloggers were in a different demographic (or other part of the country) and/or they had families that were smaller or with young (baby, toddlers, and early elementary aged) children.  Since I am on the Southeast coast (think four hours south of DC) AND I have a family of teenagers, who eat anything not nailed down, I decided that I needed to bring the concept of keeping meals as low as possible BUT deal with feeding older kids, large families, AND those who live in areas that prices for food are just plain higher.

I am NOT dismissing the other bloggers, as I have gleaned great ideas from them and they do serve a purpose.  They are a wonderful resource.  I just wanted something that is more in line with what I pay.  For example, one blogger buys a gallon of milk for $2.  I cannot do that.  A gallon of milk here is almost $4.  That is DOUBLE the price, hence will effect my bottom line. 

I pray that I will be able to add more and more as time goes along and that I will help others reduce their food bill, provide nutritious meals, and maybe bring back the fun of cooking.  

Susan aka crazylady

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