Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Splurge Meals

Sometimes there are meals that tend to cost of a little more than the average everyday meal.  It could be for a special occasion or a holiday.  For me, recently, it was for my son's birthday.  He wanted to have steaks and since it would run four of us between $120 to $150 at the local steakhouse, we decided to create a steak meal here at home.  We also added to additional adults to the mix, for a total of six eating.  I must admit that my 18 month old grandson was here as well, but since he ate off mom's plate, I didn't count him in the grand total.  Here are my results:

Ribeyes:  six of them, from a local butcher shop ran me $35.  This is the highest cost of the entire meal but I wanted good steaks and honestly I buy most of my meats from this butcher shop. 

Mashed Potatoes:  I did up 5 lbs which cost $.20 lb (bought a 50 lb bag from the local farmers market), for a total of $1.  The butter, 1/4 cup, cost me $.625, so round up $.63.  I didn't measure the milk but it wouldn't have been over 2 cups, so that would run $.46.  Total for mashed potatoes:  $2.09.

Corn:  bought a bag of frozen corn for $2.79 from a local grocery store.  (My son loves to mix the corn into the mashed potatoes-he got that from me).

Crescent Rolls:  I bought two cans of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls.  Each can cost $1.79, for a total of $3.58.

GRAND TOTAL (drum roll please$43.36!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I was able to feed SIX people for around 1/3 of the total cost of taking four of us out to a fancy steakhouse.  YES!  Oh, so you know, the ages are 45, 44, 29, 22, 19 (the birthday boy), and 15.  (18 month old too).  Real appetites, real food, at a respectable price.  By working on our food bill at other meals, we can do these "splurges" and yet stay on track. 

Til next blog,

aka crazylady

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