Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Crock Pot "Pizza" for less than $7

This fed two adults and two teens with multiple helpings!  If you want to extend it more, add a salad or maybe some roasted zucchini (out of the garden would be FANTASTIC).

Ingredients (and the prices I paid):

1 lb pasta, cooked               $1 for the entire box
1 can spaghetti sauce           $1.40 for the can, which is a little high but didn't have it on hand
1/2 lb mozzarella                  $2.50 (this was for fresh, non-hormone, no steroid cheese)
1/4 lb pepperoni,                 $1.15 (another item that I got that was hormone free, no steroids)
    cut this into cubes

1.  Spray your crock pot with some cooking spray (this will help keep it form sticking to bad).
2.  Pour in 1/2 of the cook pasta.  Top with 1/2 of the spaghetti sauce, then 1/2 of the mozzarella, and then 1/2 of the pepperoni. 
3.  Repeat layers.
4.  Put the cover on the crock pot, put on low and let it cook for a few hours.  I can't give an exact time as each crock pot is different.  However, in mine I let it cook for about 4 hours. 

So, the grand total was $6.05 for this dish.  If you add a salad as a side, you would need to adjust the final total, but it should still be less than $10 total for the entire meal. 

This is a filling meal for real people with real appetites.  If you buy the cheese and sauce on sale, the final price will be even lower.


  1. Still not letting me comment as myself.

    Sounds yummy, but I'd use hamburger or sausage instead of pepperoni. Only Dh likes it here.

  2. That is a great idea. I think you could even add in veggies, and make is supreme if you wanted. I just have pepperoni fanatics here. LOL
